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Old 10-23-2001, 12:59 PM   #1
Sir Kenyth
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: August 30, 2001
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Age: 54
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Does anyone have a similar problem? My son is very far behind in reading and spelling. I attribute this to two things. The first was just recently noticed. I think he may have had an eye problem. I noticed that he couldn't read the numbers off of passing speed limit and highway signs while the car was moving. When stopped he could read them though. I read that some children have problem keeping their eyes focused on a single point. This is not a physiological difficulty, but a learned one. It is a product of how the child learns to focus on things early in life (baby, toddler). It makes reading and keeping ones place on the page difficult. Since he constantly used his finger to keep his place while reading, I think this was the case. The child avoids doing the difficult task and this makes development even worse. He was cured of this during a summer class where he received a lot of one on one attention. Unfortunately, he is now way behind. This is where the second problem comes in. 24 hour a day cartoons! I've discontinued getting cable. I'm going to start a reading regimen. I'll have him read a portion of a fun book and afterward tell me what it was about. I think this exercise will greatly improve his reading and comprehension. I'm not sure about spelling though. Should I first concentrate on his reading skill and then worry about spelling? I don't know quite how to handle this. I was reading at a high school level by his age. I'm worried because reading is the foundation of learning. Poor readers learn poorly. At the same time I want him to get enough exercise to stay healthy. Keeping him inside to study could be counter productive.

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