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Old 04-07-2001, 06:07 PM   #29

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Utah
Posts: 581

LadyZ- Hehe. The weatherman is a good easy job. It can't be that hard to guess. Today is so cold, I am bundled up in a blanket. But the weatherman was actually right over here today. He said that it was going to be cold and rainy today.
I don't have any azaleas. I have thought of planting some but I am not sure how they will do out here. I might have to try one but I will avoid the white ones.
I have several lilac bushes in my backyard. I can't wait until it is in bloom. I love the smell. My husband always gets several blooms and brings them in the house. The smell is wonderful and it fills up the house. I love it. *Sigh* I can't wait until my flowers start blooming.


Draconia, Dragon Queen
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