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Old 11-26-2001, 06:56 AM   #1
Lord Denark
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: November 6, 2001
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 24
I just downloaded a custom character file and it has custom items. The readme file went as follows...
"To import the items to the game (2 ways):

1 Place the itm. files in your override folder and use CLUAConsole:CreateItem("xxx") to get the items into your game.
But this will not update your Dialog file so you will not be able to see the item descriptions of the items in the game.

2 Use IEEP to convert the tbg files to itm files. You can get it from This will update your Dialog file so you will be able to see the item descriptions. When you have made the tbg files into itm files place them in your override folder

This is why the items comes in both tbg´s and itm´s "

Could anyone helpme here. I don't know where I'm supposed to type CLUAConsole:CreateItem("xxx") and I'm unsure what IEEP is...

Any help would be appreciated greatly...
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