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Old 10-25-2000, 11:03 PM   #3

Posts: n/a

Right now I don't much care how cool Lord Cet may have looked. The guy was a wimp, number one, he only hit me for a total of about 20 points damage through the whole long, drawn out fight.

What p***ed me off was that the only thing that will hurt him is the Mavin sword. Now you can enhance the Mavin in that last little run down to Cet, and you can pass it between your party members. How cheesy is that? "Here, Bob, take the sword, it's your turn to hit this big ugly creep" while Cet is chuckling evilly and booming "I WILL DESTROY YOU!". He was a bit too full of himself, I think.

The real problem is that, throughout this whole game, if you don't do quests in the expected order you are SCREWED. Meet the quest NPC before you get the quest, and you cannot get credit for it. Don't get the last Tome and destroy the lich's heart in Cet's tomb? You're screwed -- you can go back to the dungeon but there is a teleport trap at the exit and you can never get out!

The game's story is cardboard-cutout RPG. "Get the magic sword to slay the ancient Dark One and save the world". Like John says, the only villain in the whole story who had character was G'Essred'Ra. I felt great pity for him when I finally put him out of his misery. Cet could have come from a Hollywood casting call for Superpowerful Ugly Bad Guys. And hey, whatever happened to Gareth back in Valeia? Did the Snakemen eat him for lunch? We never find out!

I know little about Wiz8 at this point. I think I'll pass on it and wait for Arcanum and Neverwinter Nights. I'm ready for something beside Cardboard Cutout RPGs. I'm ready for anything but more W&W.
