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Old 06-10-2003, 05:43 AM   #7

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I don’t think that Britain has one, however MP’s have to swear allegiance to the queen and I consider that anti-democratic and not compatible with a supposedly democratic society.

However, given that the current governments of most nations seem to have no popular support ,(for example the British government was elected only by a majority of people who voted, but a majority of people DID NOT VOTE anyway) thus the government lacks popular support and legitimacy, The same thing happens in America (the less said about the supreme courts president making the better) and the rest Europe due to voter apathy et al, I do not consider pledges or oaths or anything like that a desirable thing to engage in.

It’s an inherently authoritarian act anyway, to demand you swear loyalty and die for your country et al, I wouldn’t be prepared to die so that Rupert murdoch could carry on going having weekly meetings with Tony blair.

[ 06-10-2003, 05:44 AM: Message edited by: Eisenschwarz ]