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Old 11-16-2004, 04:47 AM   #16

Join Date: March 6, 2003
Location: my parlour
Age: 40
Posts: 510
That's like where I grew up in northern Alberta, and it's similar down here in C-Town too. At the summer solstice there's always a big festival at the lake near my home town (can anyone say 4 day lake side camp out party?) and we get maybe 2 hours of kinda dark. but I'm fully used to the whole waking up in the dark, coming home in the dark bit of winter. now if the winter gods could only manage to give me 4 feet of snow and at least -20 celcius I'd be happy. but that's what I get for living in Calgary, chinook central.

how much darkness do you get during the summer solstice up in Iceland Jorath?
\"One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and Death shall be no more- Death thou shalt die.\" -John Donne
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