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Old 04-30-2002, 03:49 PM   #27
Dungeon Master

Join Date: April 18, 2002
Location: south carolina
Age: 47
Posts: 67
as a paramedic i see both sides of this arguement because i deal with it everyday.i have ran calls where a child was shot while playing with a gun,and a veriedy of other calls that i dont have time to write about and i have seen ppl who have had no chose but to shot an intruder in there home.

i can say i feel alot safer knowing there are several guns in my house that i have tought my wife to shot and will teach my kids to do when the are old enough to learn responseably,and the very first thing they will learn,and the very first rule in gun safty,is NEVER point a gun at anything you dont intind to KILL.that is the best way to have true gun control

in addition it is literally a Balance of power.if the bad guys know we dont have any guns and they do they will think nothing of coming into your home and terrorizing you,and the police cant get there soon enough in that situation!on the other hand if they know you have at least one gun they will not so quickly come into a house that there is a possability of them geting shot or killed they arent that brave.

and has much as i pains me to do so think about 9-11-01!if some passangers had guns and the terrorist tried to take a plane they would have been out nummbered and out gunned!simple numbers. 5 vs.100 the terrorist would have had to find another way to try to bring terror to this great land of ours and this is also why i compleatly agree with having at least 3 armed marshalls on every plane.

so to say it simply i beleave that we should all be responsable gun owners and support gun laws and NOT gun "control" in everyarea of this great world of ours!
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