Thread: THank You!!
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Old 03-11-2004, 10:59 AM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Rural Paradise, MI
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We really shouldn't get on the subject of my dogs - three of my dogs to be specific: Dodger, D'Arts and Presto.

First they found a weakness in the fence and went running.
Hole Patched.
The dogs broke the patch and went running.
Hole repatched.
Then the snow drifts made it easy to jump (or in some cases walk) over the fence and go running.
Fence raised in high drift areas.
Then they discovered that they could use the wooden posts that had been angled here and there between the uprights (these actually served no purpose and I have NO idea why they were installed) like a ladder and went running.
Posts were removed.
And they went running.
All posts had NOT been removed as I had been told they had.
And they went running.
Posts removed, fence checked. Two dogs were allowed out when I specifically said to try it with only one. Tree fell on fence during that wind storm.
And the dogs went running.
Fallen tree cut up, fence repaired. The three dogs are supposed to be: 1 on the line, one free and one in the house.
I let the one on the line off when we went down to the gate to get BJ from the bus so that was 2 dogs free. Gave the dogs their "afternoonies" and thought I would be checking on them again in about 10 - 15 minutes. Got caught up in yet more email.
And the dogs went running.
I walk the fence yet again and figure out that Dodger and D'Arts know how to climb the fence - a slightly crumpled section of fence and some of their fur stuck on the top. So we either have to raise the height of the entire fence or find some other solution.
The dogs may not go running!
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