Thread: Replay Value
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Old 04-17-2010, 01:26 PM   #52
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: Schenectady, New York
Posts: 310
Sunglass Man Re: Replay Value

Now the Boogres have been rescued from their foul curse! The worst parts were the Jungle Lillies. Man, those things were tough fights! I didn't remember that they were in THREE locations though. There are two sets by the Idol of Aku, but you only have to deal with them one group at a time and they seemed to get stuck at the doorway before going up the stairs.

Then they caught the Little People unprepared at the exit room of the dungeon, and since they were no longer Boogres with the extra hit points, they all perished in Priskiela's Lookout Room in spite of the fact that their spell casting ability was no longer hampered by the curse. The really annoying thing is that they kept getting paralyzed while receiving massive damage and couldn't run away! They also kept gagging from the poisonous fumes.

The good news is that Gnome Jerome is a pretty good cook because they'll be having lots of Cabbage Stew, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Cole Slaw... you get the idea.

They also took care of that two-headed giant Cyclops, Goshi Din, while they were in the neighborhood, roasted several Creeping Spores he was partying down with, and got his little Worgur dog, too!

Now it's back to town to unload and check out the nifty lamp they found on his corpse!

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