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Old 02-12-2003, 05:53 PM   #4

Join Date: January 22, 2002
Location: california wine country
Age: 60
Posts: 2,193
Came accross this site :Not for Hire which has more info on both the TV series and the novels. Here is a little taste:
You live your life. You die. You wake on the bank of a mile-wide river. You are naked and 25 years old, but you remember dying, old and bed-ridden. Hundreds of people, also dead, from every time of human history, awake around you. You will never get sick, you will never age, and no child will ever be born to a woman. The grail on your wrist will keep you fed, as long as a Grail Slaver doesn't steal it and force you to work for your food. All you have are your memories, your soul,and your sins.You are a resurrectee on Resurrection Day, when every human who has ever lived and died has been reborn on the many million-mile banks of the Great River. Welcome to the afterlife.
“This is an impressive crowd, the haves and the have mores. <br />Some people call you the elite. <br />I call you my base.”<br />~ George W. Bush (2000)
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