Thread: Book of Kaza
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Old 02-11-2002, 04:54 PM   #1
Angry Dwarf
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: February 2, 2002
Location: USA
Posts: 38
I was fooling around this morning playing with an thief i made just to see what solo'ing as a thief would be like. anyway when i was initally creating him, i scrolled down in the thief abilities screen! what the crap? whats this about "setting traps", "climbing walls", "reading other languages"??! i never knew those were there!!! they aren't in the book anywhere i've read either.

anyway back to the question, if i have a thief with a high enough read other languages skill, can he read the book of kaza?(if so please DON'T tell me what it says). also does that ability affect his base lore value? and what does the climb walls ability do? and does "set traps" mean that your traps do more damage or what?

and since seeing those 3-4 new abilities for a thief....i have to ask. how od you guys assign points to your thieves? equal amounts to every ability? or more to some than others? if so why?

personally i'm not into pickpocketing...i want a backstabing/lock picking/trap detecting thief that will kick your butt!
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