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Old 11-22-2000, 03:48 PM   #5

Posts: n/a

Winner: That would explain why I couldn't cast Teleport in a dungeon. I never created a portal inside the dungeon I was in. Do you know if you can create a portal in each separate dungeon or do you have to pick the dungeon you want a portal in? I'm thinking each dungeon is classified as a 'scene' after reading your post so you might be able to have a portal created inside multiple dungeons at the same time. I'll have to test this out later today, time permitting. Either way, that will sure make things easier. If you create a portal right outside the dungeon you are exploring and one inside where you last explored, a lot of time can be saved when that is combined with Call of Home. I won't be eroding the same path in a dungeon any more with my thousands and thousands of footsteps...