Thread: Bigotry
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Old 06-28-2002, 12:53 AM   #1
Dungeon Master

Join Date: February 19, 2002
Location: USA
Age: 38
Posts: 53
Here's my little rant on my experience with religious bigotry.
I'm a devout atheist, I'll just say that from the start. There are many websites out there that say crap like "Atheism was developed by the devil!" (which reminds me of Bobby's mom in "The Waterboy". "I invented elecricity! Thomas Edison is the devil! Foosball is the devil!") and "All atheists are hellbound". Well, all that crap combined with the shit I get day after day at my school (thank god it's summer vacation where I only have my family to pester me about religion), I've learned one thing.
Every single christian I know is a huge bigot.
Every single goddamn one of them. They ALL pester me about "Coming back to the flock" and "Being saved", even my 13 - year old brother, who's a devout christian just like my parents! My teacher had me sent to summer school because I receieved a C- in her class (mainly because I was too busy putting up with all the bullshit from the christian students), and added on about 20 more requirements to the grad standard I had to do during the course of it. She's a devout christian. All of my friends (fortunately, we're all of a blend of religions) avoid religious discussion at all costs, and I commend them for that. The girl I was dating broke up with me once she learned I was an atheist. I'm DREADING my family's vacation to Florida this summer, mainly because I'll have to tell my EXTREMELY christian grandparents about my being an atheist! So I'll just ask here: does any christian here think atheists AREN'T in need of salvation or misguided (or whatever kind of bullshit you want to sugarcoat it with)?

Sorry if I offended anybody, but I had to get that off my chest. So there's my forty bucks (I would say "My two cents", but the rant was too long. Maybe it's actually $34.75, not including tax... )
\"Darkness called, but I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to Star 69 Darkness, but his machine picked up! I yelled, \'Pick up the phone, Darkness!\'. But he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls.\" - The Demon Hunter, WarCraft III
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