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Old 04-27-2002, 06:40 PM   #148
Sir Michael

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 57
Posts: 202
From Yorick,
Michael for Pete's sake. Being aware of the positives is not being numb or blind to the negatives. Happiness is a choice not blindness.

No I'm not upset. I'm writing. I write strongly. I express as clearly as possible. I object to things Dramnek in particular writes because they are qwuite offensive, not necessarily just to me, but to many dear friends.

As far as teaching goes, I've been teaching tertiary level off and on for the last seven years. I can say the exact same thing to you about having life experience you will never have. Where would that get us. The point is you're out of line calling into question my dedication to what I do. I don't have to answer to you. That's all I'm saying.

So how old are you anyway?
I've never found anything about Dramnek's posts that were offensive, and even if there were, how high and mighty of you to get offended on others' behalf. Remember that we all upset ourselves, Yorick. You choose to upset yourself and get offended at what he writes. Neither the posts themselves nor his words are inherently offensive. Like you said, happiness is a choice, but then so is anger, or any other emotion.

It's not your writing that's a problem,'s your reading skills. You often see what you want to, rather than the whole picture of what someone posted.

I never called into question any part of your life, Yorick (see what I mean about insecurity and reading into things?) Like I said, I was just curious and trying to make a point which got lost somewhere...

BTW, I am 35. You have me at a disadvantage, though. You know my age and what I do, and yet I know nothing about you other than that you are an Australian transplanted to NY, and that you are deeply religious. You don't have to share if you don't want to, but I would think with your skills at rhetoric (i.e. twisting words), you would make a good politician, lawyer, or religious leader.

[ 04-27-2002, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Sir Michael ]
\"You see things; and you say \'Why?\' But I dream things that never were; and I say \'Why not?\'\"<br />-George Bernard Shaw<br /><br />\"Men take only their needs into consideration never their abilities.\"<br />-Napoleon Bonaparte
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