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Old 05-08-2001, 11:04 AM   #9

Posts: n/a

Thank you so very much for posting this thread, you made me blush!
I credit Ertai_OHF and Sazerac for giving me the courage to post what I did about my life...I believe that if we can help another human being along in life, we should not let the oppurtunity slip away, lest we may regret it.

My life now is (really) great, the only "bad" things I carry with me as a result of that wreck are; a rib cage that is slightly shorter on the right side due to one rib behind my breast that broke repeatedly during the healing process and eventually just settled behind another, a right lung that remains collapsed most of the time (in the lower portion only...sometimes it "pops" open temporarily and I get an oxygen high LOL), one damaged kidney that is not so bad that I need dialysis, I just don't drink heavily laden caffeine or sugary drinks, a stomach that is sensitive to chemical laden foods, and a neck that is slightly bent and feels weird if I focus on it and let it.
None of the above are really bad things, although I will admit that I had never felt better in my life just prior to the wreck when I was in the best shape physically I had been in all my life, but they do serve a purpose in my paying attention to what I eat which guarentees I maintain a healthy diet and also to how I carry myself...standing up straight feels good and looks good.

On the other hand, I carry more good things around with me as a result...the knowledge that I am loved by God, a love for life, a love for humanity and a love for the world I live in...the most important things, really, that prior to the wreck were basically non-existent in my consciousness.

I am a happy girl lol and if I can pass that happiness along to others or help them to get through a tough time, or to lend strength and knowledge as you stated, then it is all worth it and I am glad I can be here to do so.

Thank you again, my friend!
Love, Hugs & Peace,
(& A special Scritch for you!)