Thread: TheDutKanator
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Old 10-25-2001, 04:39 AM   #6
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
Posts: 2,674

Even your disguse is made in a haste, it is hard to tell differece in the dark. You paused in the corner of an intersection, and lisntened intently, no alarm was sounded. Apparently you had successfully tricked the diviner. Continuing working your way to the west sector, you made much an easier progress.

You passed the Royal Ground effortlessly, and approached the west bridge. The bridge was gaurded by two Crown Guards on each end. They patrol in four directions so that each one can always watch one of his commrade at all time. The bridge is well lighted.

You need to cross this bridge.
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