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Old 10-23-2000, 02:07 PM   #3

Posts: n/a

This isn't so easy to answer, since it depends on what class of character you need in your party. Aerie's quest will give you some cool stuff and XP. She can cast both mage and cleric spells, but even maxed out, neither will be higher than lvl 6. She's good as a backup spellcaster.

Nalia's quest is not that interesting, IMHO. I also don't like her personality. She can become a powerful mage, however, so if you need one and can stand her attitude, take her along.

Viconia is a powerful cleric, but having her in your group drops your reputation by 3. I don't know about her quests, since I play a good party and she's evil.

Jaheira has an interesting and convoluted quest, but she's a useless pain in the neck. She isn't particularly good at anything, IMO, so I don't think she's worth the space in my party. Oh, and did I mention that she's bossy? Feh.

I haven't yet met Mazzy, so I can't tell you anything about her.

Personally, I don't like ever having all 6 slots filled, because I would rather split the XP 5 ways.