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Old 11-22-2001, 12:25 PM   #9

Join Date: November 2, 2001
Location: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 171
Ban Him !!
He posted in what you consider is the wrong forum !!
Stone him to death!!
Crucify Him !!

It is valid here I think as he is asking people who have played BG2 if its worth going back to the original
No use asking BG1 forum people who may not have played BG2 and give him a good answer.

Now to answer.....I like most people played BG1 then BG2
I think it might give you a good insight and understanding into a lot of things BG related perhaps and how it fits in with the storyline of BG2
Sure it is a little dated comapred to BG2 but not that much
I think you will enjoy it lots and it will like fill in the pieces of a jigsaw that is BG [img]smile.gif[/img]
<IMG SRC=\"\">
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