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Old 06-19-2004, 06:09 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Scotland
Posts: 2,788
Sorry if anyone got frightened by the topic header, but short of dancing nekkid on the roof of my abode, I am at a loss as to how to resolve my conundrum.....which is this.....

Barry the Sprout is a longtime and revered member of IW (joined 19/10/2001 if my memory serves me well). I have noticed a connection between his online identity and the works of a certain English author by the name of Robert Rankin.

Bear with me , oh best beloved, while I put my proposal forward for general dissection...

I have read several of the multitudinous ourpourings of the abovementioned author, and, though not fully cognisant of his general worldview, I have never come across a character called Barry the Sprout, general Brentfordness and other miscellaneous oddities not withstanding.

However, as I peruse the wondrous magnificence of "The Witches of Chiswick", lo and behold, slap bang in the first third of the book, who should turn up but BARRY THE SPROUT!!!. This book was first published in 2003!!

Now, my question is this, how the heck did Bary the Sprout become a member here two years before he appeared in the works of the author with whom he is obviously attached??

Enquiring minds (well mine) want to know

(Occasional crooner and all round friendly Scottish rodent)
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