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Old 10-10-2001, 08:00 PM   #9

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Age: 42
Posts: 4,774
for speed factor and decent damage you should put at least one in katanas - unless valygar is with you in which case let him use them.

dual katanas will interupt any mage (at least, any mage who can be hit by less than +3 weapons) and do the most damage of any single handed weapon.

also, and i agree this may not be your thing since your a roleplayer and not a powerplayer, i always ensure everyone is prof in at least one missile weapon. it helps when you get ambushed by someone on an inaccesible platform, or when you fighters are trapped in from of your mages and cant get at people attacking from behind. there are throwing axes and darts which return and at least one bow and sling with no ammo, so dont worry about the logistics of taking masses of bullets etc. slings is a good choice i feel. the bow and sling are high enchantment so can cut through Improved Mantle etc.

also consider lugging along a plain weapon in case of immunity from magical weapons.
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