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Old 01-30-2005, 03:22 PM   #22
The Magister

Join Date: January 29, 2005
Location: Chico, CA
Age: 44
Posts: 141
I think that one of my favorite characters that I ever created in Arcanum is the most noble.

His name was Jack the Stripper.

He was a butt-ugly human, cursed with trollish looks, who was a very kind and charismatic healer--always willing to help others in need or give someone a kind word. Oh, and he was always completely naked.

Jack believed that wearing clothes meant that a person was trying to hide something--some shame or misdeed. Jack wanted to let everyone know that he was willing to do anything for anyone, no matter what it cost him!

Naked and butt-ugly--the people of Arcanum were always mean to him! They were always rude and sometimes flat out hostile to the good and kind Jack. Even the prostitutes of Tarant refused the good, kind, and wealthier-than-God Jack!!

Yet Jack was always willing to forgive the dirt bags of Arcanum, and help any in need. When someone was rude to Jack, he would beg for the person's forgiveness--anything to make the upset person happy. If someone was in need, Jack would give freely!

Jack was the definition of Nobility.

At least until the incident with the Dwarves of the Wheel clan who were even uglier than Jack (if that was possible) and worse than the jerks living in Tarant (definitely possible). However, Jack healed and resurrected all that he hurt--and then the ungrateful cretins of the Wheel clan chased Jack out of their hole with threats of pain and death. Stupid Dwarves!!

In the end, Jack sacrificed himself to help the poor kites of the world. You see, he realized that the kites are so small because they do not get enough food to eat. So he shaved himself bald (no one likes getting hair caught in the back of their throat), bathed himself (no one should have to eat dirt), and allowed a kite scout to slaughter him in order to feed the kite nation. Just how great was Jack's sacrifice? He had to endure almost 30 minutes of agony before the malnourished kite could kill him.

Jack the Stripper was Nobility made manifest!
I am a peon.
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