Thread: Phaere Bug??
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Old 11-10-2000, 11:29 PM   #1
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I'm currently on my second time through as the first time I missed alot of stuff.

I'm currently at the spot where you go back to Phaere after meeting the matron mother, where Phaere gives you the fake eggs.

Here's the problem:

The conversation ends in the middle!!!! You click continue right after you tell her that you have no problem going against the matron mother and bang, the conversation is over. It's definitely a bug. I have saved games all the way back to when I talked to the dragon, and I've been replaying these games thinking that if I do something different that will not hose the game. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this??

It's not just that I'm chosing the wrong reply or whatever, the conversation just stops in the middle.

Some switch somewhere has been tripped that causes this bug.

I didn't see this the first time I went through.

Any ideas?? Where do you report bugs??
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