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Old 10-17-2000, 11:23 AM   #3

Posts: n/a

When I started new games I still couldnt get this aspect to work correctly (more goddam bugs etc), so I found the best way was to go into your W&W Windoze folder and sort by date, then find the 3 files it puts in here at install by looking at the dates and then deleting all the files YOUNGER than that. You can also go into the save directory and delete the save games but that doesnt really matter. It is sensible to copy those files somewhere else before deleting - just in case.

This way you get a completely clean start to the game as though you had just installed. With all the bugs/hang-ups this game has I feel it sensible to do a clean restart rather than relying on the game mechanics. You also have the certainty that its a fresh start rather than the lingering doubt that at some time in the game you will be shafted because of the restart.