Thread: Standard gear
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Old 07-28-2003, 09:31 PM   #7

Join Date: October 25, 2002
Location: Gilbert, Az
Age: 71
Posts: 234
For my magic orientated parties, I take res powders, smelling salts, magic potions and mana stones. I give these to everyone who can use them except Bards or Gadgeteers (who need their slots for instruments/gadgets.

Later I take more potions. Eye for Eye and Superman potions for the RPCs (RFS, Vi), since I generally have more important things for the casters to cast.

I bring along ammo in moderation, but never let the encumberance of the party get above the white (50% of their max). I do that by storing gadgets, ammo and anything else I do not really need along, and by pushing strength in a lot of my characters (Bard, Priest, Alchemist, RPCs and later Gadgeteer). That's my current party but other times I do something comparable. I also make sure not to "over-protect" my characters with armor that is too heavy for what they can easily carry. It's a real pain if they have to limit their ammo a lot and not pick up anything. This is particularly true for Vi, who may be penalized and able to carry less in areas she does not wish to go.

Sometimes I will keep a good item which will give a boost to Locks and Traps or Pickpocketing along that I do not normally wear but can put on when needed.

There's a few other items I carry with me relating to upcoming quests, things I need for certain areas in the game, Gadgets and other items not combined yet (if a Gadgeteer is with), various ingredients for money making purposes. More details would be spoilers, but I think this is enough to answer the question unless somebody wants more.
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