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Old 10-26-2000, 11:18 PM   #1
The Magister

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: USA
Posts: 109

It is tricky but the interface is there. To the right of the arrow keys in the lower right corner of the view screen is a up/down view slide bar. Face the ladder directly. To go up a ladder, slide the view arrow up, then press forward arrow. To go down, slide the view arrow down, press forward arrow. The tricky part is if half your party is still on the floor and not over the ladder shaft you can forward the party right off the ladder into major damage below. *oof* And when you are in ladder prep, the left and right straffe arrows turn your view left and right instead of sliding the party left or right as they do on the ground. You'll need to turn the view right or left just enough to get the whole party on the ladder without turning too far and plunging them to their doom, then use the view slide bar to choose up or down. I'd save first, lol.
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