Thread: Is this right?
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Old 11-27-2001, 08:37 PM   #3

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Age: 42
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first, RTFM.

right, things that occur to my cynical, paranoid mind:

you dont get a prof with ever level. fighters&rangers i know get one every third level. mage i think its every twelve. theives should be somewhere in between, god knows where druids and clerics are.

Not everyone can get every weapon. druids cant use bladed weapons (other than scimitars), theives cant use two handed swords.

only pure fighters get 5* profs. kits, duals, multis and other warrior types get 2*. magic users like mages and srocerors only get 1*.

neer mind tho, these irrelevant profs couldcome in handy when you find a weapon that puts your current one to shame. in ToB theres an axe so powerful you'll want to use it even with no axe profs.
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