Thread: LadyWendy
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Old 03-03-2001, 04:40 PM   #22
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

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OK BlackKnight, I'll try to be patient! You're right, there was my beloved Stealthy who commando charmed me! Haha!

Moiraine - Did it a few minutes ago, hope you get it!! I just hit the ol' "Reply" button in hopes I got your home address. Let me know if you got it OK? You really are an angel for doing all this!

Gray Mage - Nope. Not yet. Blizzard supposedly coming in tomorrow afternoon. But you know those, excuse my language, but... IDIOTS who predict the weather have a tendency to get everyone all hiped up for nothing. They're still saying it may pass us by. So I'll believe it when I see it! It is almost 60 degrees here today, doesn't feel much like snow weather to me!

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