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Old 09-13-2007, 01:35 PM   #9
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 31, 2001
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Default Re: [OOC]Dystopia: The Fallen Angels (sign up here)

I did read it and have more questions

By PSD-era I take it the ship's from the time of the PSG, thus some 68-109 years old?
Also, I notice we're starting a year ahead of the Haven IV incident. Does that mean the dates are off, or that in telling the story of the two we're getting some information on future events?

Regarding the main factions, I gather the ULA's been reformed into the Coalition and later the Federation, under whose rule the Icarus/Arioch flies, and the CO-IP's still around as well. What happened to the Separists and the Orion treaty planets? Are the factions still there, are they entirely independent or part of one (or both) of the other two groups?

On cyborgs, how does that kind of technology relate to the GenMod reign bloodily ended some 15 years ago? Has this always been acceptable technology or are these mechanically enhanced humans seen as just as perilous?

And finally, what's the background of the crew? Exceptions aside, do they hail from a single planet, and if so, what is it like? Do they come from a wide range of Federation planets, or have they been flying around for so long the ship's practically home instead? What about the captain, does he/she perhaps have a reputation or a history of famous missions/engagements?

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