Thread: BushWackin'
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Old 03-07-2002, 07:14 PM   #32

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Originally posted by Moni:
Good Googly Moogly People!
Bush is an idiot!
I know it, you know it and the only people standing up for him are the ones whose wallets are getting fatter for it!

Moni, you are so obviously wrong. You want him to be an idiot but there is ample proof that he is above average intelligence and by becoming an F-16 pilot he proved he was physicly and mentally above roughly 75% of the population.

I know way too many who can't succeed due to one reason or another and all of them would rather blame the conservatives rather than themselves. They all want the Unions to do their suceeding for them, they want welfare to do their succeeding for them they all want to be victims, but they are not victims of George Bush, or the Conservative right, they are victims of their own inadaquacies. Jealousy of someone actually understanding how to succeed and earning money serves no one and helps no one.

Bush also scored decent grades in a creditable school, he isn't an idiot, he just believes in things that you do not. Try not to confuse differences of opinion for lack of inteligence.

You don't like his politics fine but it demeans you to slander him, admit that the only real problem is you don't agree with him. Is everyone who disagrees with you an idiot?