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Old 04-13-2003, 08:57 PM   #48
Dungeon Master

Join Date: March 3, 2003
Location: Racine, WI
Age: 47
Posts: 58
This is serious isn't it

I met someone who folded everyone's clothe's wherever they went. Never a closet unfolded and arranged. Out of place threads were treated like casualty's of someones wardrobe. Life to...

aspostrophus is a sign of superscript and should always be considered.

What I have always liked about IW is that as long as the intent is good, most written material can be taken as easy reading. I sometimes feel I can't post as much as I want because of preceived ideas of people who have excelled in class . Some of the best teachers in my life were not critical of style, only of content.

Death to even a tad of the law ruin's it right? I would think that in a context of mediums, between merchants of the same trade, buyers would flock to the best source of the product and even thow the other may have been honorable his goods were equal, just different looking. Did it make it less desirable? Even with several container changes his business went under all was lost. Even the spot of his selling point went unrented for years.
Flying! (Extreme sports rush.)
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