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Old 10-17-2002, 10:06 PM   #14

Join Date: February 5, 2002
Location: Huntsville, AL, USA
Age: 63
Posts: 1,045
Thank you, Cyril,

Yes, I have both a bard and a paladin with CHA = 18, so do not need it for the Fighter/Druid; but I *DO* want the extra missile attack AND level 8 druid spells. Hmmm... decisions, decisions.... Oh, what I wouldn't give for just two more ability points! .... O.K., then; a possible build is this:

STR = 18/30 --> 18/30
DEX = 9 ------> 18
CON = 18 -----> 16
INT = 8 ------> 3
WIS = 17 -----> 18
CHA = 18 -----> 15

But it looks like, from your numbers, that the difference between CON=16 and CON =18 for a fighter is 3 points/level instead of the 2 that I thought it was. Aacccckk!! I don't want to strip 27 points off of him! Are you sure of your numbers? I have the "max hp per level" selected, and *KNOW* that Druulf has been getting 14 points per level with a CON=18. He is at level 9 with, I am pretty sure, 126 points (wish I was at home so I could check). So 126 - 108 = 18 ---> 2 HP/level. Whew! I am breathing more easily!

O.K., looks like Druulf is back to Dundee Slaytern's suggestion of running around like a blithering idiot, slobber dribbling out the corner of his mouth. Is there really NO ability progression nor combat penalties for a Fighter or Druid running around with INT=3?

Is there ANY difference in ability progression, hp/level or combat penalties between having CON = 16 and CON = less-than-16?

No, Cyril, I have three PP in bow. Guess since I'll change it with Dale Keeper, eventually, that I might as well come clean and do it now.

Party On!

[ 10-17-2002, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: NobleNick ]
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