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Old 07-02-2001, 08:40 PM   #3

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I was not popular with the "popular" crowd in H.S for the simple reason being that on my first day in a new school in 7th grade, I talked to a couple of girls who had attended the school I had gone to...sisters, one of whom had such a bad crush on my brother that their second grade class pic shows her trying to hold his hand.
In my innocent teasing that I was his sister, my fate was sealed as one of the "unpopular" much to the relief of cheerleaders who had been intimidated by the concept of having competition when I first walked in the room.
They (the cheerleaders) told me this personally in our first study hall that very day. I didn't care, I should be allowed to talk to whomever I please and vice versa.
Even though I was never invited to their parties or asked to be a part of their clique, I still made friends with most of them as individuals...friendships that last to this day.
I was welcome amongst the stoners, the geeks, and the low-lifes...I had "private" friendships with some cheerleaders as well as jocks. Everyone knew I was my own person then and judged no one on anything more than how they treated me personally. I am the same way today, having friends whose careers range from electronic engineers (one being the guy who "fixed" the patriot missle during Desert Storm), right down to the town drunk.

Accept me for who I am and you will find a worthy friend...don't accept me because I am not what you want me to be and you miss out.

I am going back to college this fall. Going to get a degree to become an Elementary school teacher. At nearly forty years old, I am sure I will be one of the most popular people there.



[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 07-02-2001).]