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Old 09-28-2001, 06:39 PM   #229
Ace Flashheart

Join Date: July 13, 2001
Location: Manchester, England
Posts: 215
"Heave", there was a massive crash, "Ho.", came the voice from behind the wall.
"Heave", another crash, "Ho."

After a minute or so of this the voice was finally silenced by the sound of a wall collapsing.

"Alright good job", said the anti-paladin admiring the handiwork of the three, the large silver battering ram the Mind flayer had been lifting telepathically suddenly flowing back into the form of the robot X015.

"Can we use a different method of breaking down the walls I'm so dizzy I can hardly speak.”

"I'm sorry X015", lied LF," if there was another way we would use it, but for the good of the team you must suffer in silence."

The mind flayer let out a long, encouraging gurgle that, could the android communicate telepathically, would have been revealed to actually be an obscene and derogatory remark aimed at the androids singing ability.

"Ok... if my instincts serve me right we should break that part of the ceiling there and then float up using Gurgly's telekinetic powers. You’re up X015, turn yourself into some stairs and I will hack away at the ceiling."

The android again turned into the silver liquid, flowing in to the shape of a short flight of stairs that the black clad warrior climbed to the top. Just as Lord Flash had his axes in position to take a swing he suddenly faltered.

"There are some warriors... three floors up, at least two though I think there may be more, their powers are subdued they could be very tired or unconscious. We should be very careful from here on in.", said the anti-paladin shattering the first stone on the ceiling above them with a well placed blow.

************************************************** ******************************

"Look sister", the male vampire-boy cooed, "it seems Lord Muro's playmates have arrived."

Raising an eyebrow to the futile attempts of the Hobgoblin warriors to penetrate the rock with their poisoned arrows she began to turn back towards the crypt from whence the two had emerged.

"Brother I will wake our coterie to attack them. There are quite a few and I want this to be a good fight."

"As you wish sister, I will call the cloud cover to block out the sun... lets see how they handle the wrath of the undead."

[This message has been edited by Ace Flashheart (edited 09-28-2001).]
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