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Old 06-15-2004, 09:32 PM   #11
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

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Location: Virginia, U.S.A.
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Scud, bad idea admitting that LOL, as it is agains the rules here to spam for rank.

pritchke - Hopefully this was a one time incident and it won't happen again. It really sucks living in a neighborhood where random vandalism can occur while you are sleeping in the middle of the night. I always think setting up a camera would be good, catch the assholes and send the tape to the police. I myself haven't had any vandalism at my property, but two neighbors last year, both older gentlemen, had ALL their tires slashed one night. One of the old guys didn't have the money to fix it for awhile either, just sad and nobody far as I know ever caught the jerks that did it.

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