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Old 04-01-2001, 02:19 PM   #115
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Originally posted by KDogRex:
Hehehe, I *DO* seem to be getting more actio--err, excercise lately...With all I had to drink last night, though, I'm surprised I'm as spry as I am. Must have worked it off before sleeping, hehehe...

Hey CB! Love the sig, dahling!!

Zeeke, got a square I can get from you, I'm tapped.

*goes behinf the bar and pours himself a steaming mug of coffee and sits at the main table with Bili, Zeeke and CB*

Howdy there KDog,

Rolling down the stairs a bit late today! Been busy with rl? I've spent the last hour hunting for tax receipts. Still eluding me is the last school tax receipt...darned homeownership has taken me out of the 1040EZ zone...humph!

Like the sig? I have been dying to use it, but only just got it hosted last night by our Tobbin! Was sweet of him to do it for me during the party, too.
I imagine it should look familiar to you, as Zeeke says it's hanging on his wall...well he didn't say which wall, so I guess you MAY not have seen it depending on where Zeeke likes to keep his artwork.



StormCloud of the Black Knight

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 04-01-2001).]
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