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Old 11-29-2000, 07:08 PM   #3

Posts: n/a

I assume you have found the room with the first 3 switches and you can look out on the blocks hanging on ropes. Save before you do this as sometimes it won't work unless you are trying for the first time. Move each of the switches until you see 3 block rise up, one for each switch. You may not see one block rise, but just the rope moving. Then back track to the first halway on the right and you are looking out on the blocks and the center area. Run and jump with your most agile man keyed in the top left frame. Looking upward will help you jump farther, but makes it difficult to see. Once you get to the center you should be able to run and jump to the right. Deep in this area there are 3 more switches which will raise 3 more blocks. Really not necessary, for you should be able to jump to the other areas. I never did find the third set of 3 switches.
