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Old 12-01-2000, 07:32 PM   #10

Posts: n/a

Just a few things to note. I’m not disagreeing with you Glorick the Half-Orc, but when it get down to it, it is the character the one feels closest to that make for a better gaming experience.

Swashbucklers are good if duelled into or from a fighter. Added combat bonuses. (shadowkeeper if duelling from fighter)
Assassin I am pretty sure they get up to *7 backstab ie 2 higher than a normal thief also good if duelled to or from a fighter.

I think Wizard Slayer has to be the most useless as the cost is just too high compared to any benefit you might receive.

I found thieves in general after you max out in most of the important abilities a bit of a waste.

And though a Sorcerer hasn't many spells they are all about volume. Pretty good if you are lazy, as you don't have to worry about trying to second-guess which spells you are going to need. I found with a mage there are a lot of spell sitting in slots that are there for the "just in case" scenario. Were with a sorcerer who is backed up by a "just in case" mage you use all of the spells as they are the favourites ones anyway.