Thread: The Depression
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Old 03-11-2001, 02:28 AM   #32
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: England
Age: 41
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I once had to give adivce like this to a.....friend...she liked a mate of mine and he knew but he did not pay any attention to her. I asked her if when she saw him with someone else, was she angery or happy to see him happy? If she had to give her life to save his would she do it?

She said yes and I told her she was to tell him how she feels.
All i can say is ask yourself theses qusetions, and if the answers is yes tell her how she makes you feel, ask her why she does the things she does and ask her to be honest about if there ever could be a realtionship between the both of you. If you feel yourself getting worried and backing out, tell yourself that if you don't you will feel pain and ask yourself if you can live with that pain.

If you find out that you will not be togeather, I know it will hurt, and hurt bad but you will know and can move on.
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