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Old 03-19-2002, 07:27 AM   #4
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: February 27, 2002
Location: Denmark
Posts: 29
Thanks though I regret that only the third answer was useful, (Roger is the one from the sewer right?).

But just to shed some more light on the first and second question:
1st: I did take lavok outside but no dialog about taking over or a reason for not taking over was made? Strange, It might be the fact that i'm evil. But The last one I played had both d'arns hold and the planer sphere.
2nd: You start getting your 10th level, quest level and thief abilities when the characters TOTAL XP exceeds 3mill, and since I am 6mill I think I have about 10-15 abilities you get one each time you level up, imagine how often this happons with a fighter/mage/thief. But again I can't chose the 10th level ones, only the fighter and thief abilities.

Now my own conclusion would be the Mage class has been forgotten: no strong hold no 10th level spells, does anyone know why?????????????
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