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Old 11-14-2000, 02:38 AM   #7

Posts: n/a

Wyv: We knew that and now there is no dragon. (sniffle)

Not so, Wyvern. I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that I ran into something that called himself "Red Dragon" somewhere in the Enchanted Sea area. According to the Dragon Registration Office in Brimloch it's the long lost brother of Erathmedor who made the great treck east years ago since he's totally devoted to all things maritime.

I also learned that his funny appearance (not many a Dragons are actually red) comes from a major defect in the ozone layer of the greater Enchanted Sea area (have a look at the "GSUV" resolution #23,891 (Gael Serran United Villages) that deals with that matter, especially with the "limitation of exhausts in combustion based spells".