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Old 09-04-2002, 12:34 PM   #1

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Twice now in recent US history people have been in jeopardy of loosing their jobs when using this word in the proper and correct context. People apparently ignorant of the words etymology and meaning have caused one man to loose his position and one teacher to apologise to a parent. This last incident has the offended parent demanding the teacher of a third grade english class be fired for introducing this word in a public school...when apraised of the words defintions she responded that what it meant had no bearing on the fact that the word should never be used.

Ok my thought is..."screw the idiots who are too stupid to understand the word". If an english teacher responsible for teaching kids new vocabulary words cannot use decent and proper english words, how can we even have a language? What word will be stricken from use next? Freedom? Liberty? education?....some people are total boobs.....end of rant.

Ok Amereica (and other nations) lets hear what you have to say!