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Old 03-27-2001, 10:48 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 27, 2001
Location: Overland Park, KS, USA
Posts: 8
ok... I really botched this one...

I was supposed to go with Solaufein and rescue Phaere. I must have had a sudden lapse of my attention span or I just clicked that 'continue' button too much during some dialog. Anyway, I barged into the Mind Flayer lair and cleaned the place out. Whoops. Talk about a pain-in-the-ass, btw. After much confusion about what to do next, I consulted my strategy guide (I shamefully admit), and whoa, I never rescued whats-her-name.

Long story short. I have no idea where Phaere is. Solaufein won't talk to me. The Dragon wants her damn eggs and the Matron Mother is holed up in her suite with some pool boy.

I have played to this point without using any cheats, but at this point I'm ready to move on.

1. Is there a legit way out of this mess?
2. If I use a cheat code to reach the surface will the game lose is continuity?
3. Will Jerry get voted out next?

Thanks for any assistance...
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