Thread: FOOD
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Old 05-30-2002, 03:53 PM   #10
40th Level Warrior
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Join Date: April 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Zuvio:
1. super-sour-apple-cream with vanilla-ice
2. roasted buns with mierikroot (very very HOT) and pekelmeat (very very SALT)
3. shrimpcoktails
4. pizza (DUH!), the expensive kind
5. crisp-honey-rice
6. abba-jabbas
7. shoarma (sliced sheapmeat : recipe from middle-east) with sweet carrots, pies and sweet chilisauce and ketchup
9. chocolat-ice with strawberry sauce
10. HUGE spare-ribs


And the beauty is, somehow I manage to stay slim.
shoarma is one of my favs too, but not behind my comp. It's hard enough as it is to keep the friggin meat in the pita once you take a bite. It would probably ruin my keyboard. lol
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