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Old 11-25-2001, 12:05 AM   #2
Jack Burton

Join Date: November 10, 2001
Location: Bathurst & Orange, in constant flux
Age: 37
Posts: 5,452
I read somewhere that in twisted rune, there is a greenstone amulet.
This prtects u from mind control, intelligance drain etc.
Also- in the harper hold, there is a helmet of charm protection- this puts a MInd Sheild on whoever wears it.
Also- for liches...
You only realy need to defeat 1...

The one in the backroom of the crooked crane (city gates). In the chest is the lngsword daystar, its eqiped ability sunray destriys undead easily, also the sword itself does alot of damage...
+2,+2 vs Evil Creatures, Double Damage vs, Undead.
Sunray is also a preist spell in the higher levels achievable in SOA... 6 i think, but i tmught be a level 7...
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