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Old 02-05-2001, 02:19 PM   #35

Posts: n/a

Hmm... proficiencies can be frustrating. I hate the guilt associated with changing them back and forth.
I suppose one of the two katana users should dual wield. Since the fighter-thief can swap out a shortbow without losing spells, then it may be the better candidtate. I have Geedubya as specialized in long swords, katanas, master of dual wield and proficient in crossbow. (note, this is after getting the level 9 proficiency) Then Geedubya can wield the Daystar and the Celestial Fury, a potent combo. This seems to work out well for a thief who is more like a tank. If your thief prefers to use the shortbow and stay in the back, it's not the best.