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Old 11-09-2000, 12:22 AM   #1
Lily the Ranger

Posts: n/a

My party is not very high level. Had two healers and load of potions available. She could out do me in long distance spells so I had to get close. It was purely hack and heal for the most part. I cast bless, nimble, bloodlust, armored realm when I heard "something large coming to investigate" *pant, pant, panick, panick*. First time I tried offensive spells, scrolls, the only one left standing was Snargol the Barbarian Gourk. 85,000 * EX and a lot of bodies to tote. So I tried the above method four load later I accepted the battle in which only one of my characters was stoned (and being a drug free zone I guess) received no points what so ever. Poisoned (gee, no cure poison yet) I stumble around healing self til I found a "cure".