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Old 09-16-2007, 02:51 PM   #4
Jack Burton

Join Date: July 13, 2001
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Default Re: How hard would it be to redo the graphical interface?

Hi all,

Sorry I've taken so long to get in on this thread - first week of a new quarter, and they've even got me taking a Saturday class this time around.

Through use of the the config.txt we can already tweak all of the graphics in the game. This means size, shape, location and source. We can also add backgrounds of our choosing to the area that is normally black. (Steve McDonald has quite a few available on his web site.) The limitation are really with the text. CocoaSpud initially coded it so that the height and width of the text fields is hard-coded and all that could be done was defining their upper-left coordinates; but, he latered added the ability to change the size on the main text window to be a designer defined number of lines of text.
As far as a graphical inventory system, I personally think this would rock. But, I also know that it will be a while before the coders get to it, as the first objective is to squash the bugs, finish the spells and special abilities, and finish the combat AI. This will bring us to version 1.0 and CocosSpud's initial goal of creating an updated version of FRUA that can run FRUA games. I know it's been rather *slow* as of late in the release department (perhaps a bit of an understatement) but we've got another release being put together and it's about to be tested and hopefully released before the Holidays.
Now, with that being said, there are some big plans for DC as soon as 1.0 is reached (though I realize that it may be a case of putting the cart before the horse) that involve changing which libraries it uses- namely switching away from the Micosoft proprietary ones to something Open Source, that will have the benefit of allowing the code to be compiled on something other than MS Visual Studio 6, AND of making the project cross-platform at least with Linux.
If you were so inclined, Ziroc, to make a mock-up, I'm sure that could only help motivate the coding team.

As to what I meant about walls, Dinonykos is right- it's just very hard, with a lot of trial and error (at least for me) b/c the far-away walls don't behave the way my brain thinks they should. It is however possible to do just about anything with the walls and if a new viewport were created, I'd be more than happy to develop or help develop a wall template for it.
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