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Old 11-13-2000, 11:59 PM   #2

Posts: n/a

hrmm....dont know why it didnt post the message so here goes try 2.

fighter/paladin/ninja/samurai (whiskah)
fighter/ranger/samurai/valkyrie (human)
fighter/barbarian/paladin/ninja (ratling)
priest/warlock/monk/assassin (pixie)
wizard/warlock/zenmaster (elf)
wizard/warlock/monk (oompha)

my main concerns are (1) are all of the role ascensions possible in the order i have them planned? (2) is the game long enough for so many class changes? (3) will i run afoul of the too many skills to fit on the page problem? (4) are there any other problems i havent thought of that may throw a wrench in the gears. I'd hate to get halfway through the game only to find that the plans for my dream team jus aren't possible.

thanks in advance. i must say that out of all the forums for the many games i've played in the past, the bunch here are the most intelligent, humorous, and curteous i've come across.