Thread: Is it safe
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Old 10-20-2001, 09:57 AM   #2
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
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Is that download an add on or add in?
I know that the original BG has a non-supported Mod, called Dark side of the Tales of the Sword coast...But the suggestion on playing it was to start a new game so that one could have the ultimate feel of all the changes that had been made.
I downloaded it, and the first thing the instructions read was to back up an original format game, in case something went wrong. The people that made this new BGII MOD would have tested it to make sure it is safe,,,but that does not mean it is bug proof. There could be a bug that crashes your game, but that is the chance you have to take. Me...I am going to wait for a while, to see how everyone else does with it, then load it after I see a large percentage of the users agreeing that it is indeed safe and efficient.


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