Thread: Best Quote
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Old 11-17-2001, 01:42 PM   #12
Barry the Sprout
White Dragon

Join Date: October 19, 2001
Location: York, UK.
Age: 41
Posts: 1,815
I think Minsc's dialogue with Delon from Imnesvale is a classic. I think it goes something like:
"Please sir, are you adventurers?"
"Yes boy, Minsc and Boo and (PC) will crush your foes into small foe shaped chunky bits."
"Oh No, I don't have any foes. There is evil at my village though.".
"Evil Eh! Minsc doesn't trust evil as far as he can throw it! Even if he does throw it very far some times. Boo was wondering what you needed adventurers for if you have no foes?"
"People from the village have been turning up inside out and mad!"
"Thats terrible! Minsc has been inside out and mad before now and it scares even Boo sometimes.".
"No sir, not mad angry, mad crazy.".
"Oh, well Minsc has never been crazy before now. Being inside out was bad enough!".

And so on. I recommend trying it out. It really cracked me up that one.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br /><br /><i>\"And the angels all pallid and wan,<br />Uprising, unveiling, affirm,<br />That the play is the tragedy, man,<br />And its hero the Conquerer Worm.\"</i><br /> - Edgar Allan Poe
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